Monday, April 26, 2010

An interview with Betsy

Tonight, Betsy is allowing this rare interview. This will be an inside look on what makes this lady tick.

What's the best type of doughnut?
It's a tie between a Maple Long John, no filling, and a plain cake doughnut. Oh, um, though I also love this one type of doughnut my grandma got us when we were kids in Rugby. Honeywheat. Oh, I loved those.

Has there been any helpful "baby preparation" advice or insight that has been helpful?
I am just going to do anything my friend, Staci, tells me to do.

Once the baby is around, how will your swearing habit change?
What swearing habit? What the hell are you talking about?

What's your favorite thing you like to do with your girlfriends?
Good conversation combined with good food.

For example?
Anything from Denny's Pizza Inn to caramel apples.

Okay, I was really hoping for more than just four short questions and answers. But Betsy got sleepy. We were doing this while laying in bed, and then she just fell asleep. I will have to finish the interview later.

Like I said, interviews with Betsy are rare, and short.

Today, Betsy is 30 weeks, 4 days. Less than 10 weeks to go.

The next blog update I will have to tell you about Betsy's visit with her parents about visiting after the baby has arrived!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE maple long johns. They are my favorite. We should have some now!!

Unknown said...

I thought perhaps chocolate croissant would be on the list...