Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Debertin Dirty Dozen

Okay, Betsy was willing to squeeze out 21 follicles yesterday. Follicles, I think, are like small water balloons in the ovary. In each follicle there is a potential to have an egg. (It all depends on the estrogen. If you have 21 follicles and low estrogen - there are very few eggs. Betsy was pumpin' out the estrogen - they sucked out 21 follicles and 18 of them had eggs!)

So, this morning the clinic called and said that 12 ended up getting fertilized. That is very good, clinically speaking. If you would get 12 out of 18 on one of Betsy's science quizzes when she was a teacher, you would probably fail that quiz. But when it comes to sperm conquering eggs, those are good numbers. Our friend, Maurya "Hottie McTottie" Laqua, calls them the "Debertin Dirty Dozen."

Now we gotta wait.

So we did some work this morning then headed to Barnes and Noble. That's where Betsy took a nap and I did some other stuff. She looked like someone who had no home - she just walked into B&N and slumped down into a stuffed chair and started snoozing.

We knew we could do this because two years ago we took a vacation to Fargo and MSP. The year prior to that we had been to some warm place in the Caribbean, but thought we would try something different. However, we missed just napping in a warm place. So, instead, we just went to Barnes & Noble and both took two-hour naps.

Oh, I almost forgot. Betsy now has to get a shot in the ass every evening. (Sorry if I offend you when I say, "every evening.") Anyways, most shots are a water-based liquid. The stuff she has to take now is made of sesame oil. It's kinda like taking a needle, sucking in some movie theater butter flavoring, and squeezing it into her butt check. She starts by putting a half-gallon of Cass Clay Homemade Vanilla ice cream on her butt to numb her check. It's so weird to say, "Alright honey, take the ice cream off your butt. I gotta give you a shot."

Other highlights of the day:
1. contemplated buying a commercial pizza oven at Sam's Club
2. went to the movie "She's just not that in to you" with 47 other women and one other dude
3. read some disturbing bathroom stall poems in SunMart at 6:45 am
4. ate too much sauerkraut at a NDSU Bison basketball game
5. tried to text message - I still can figure "t9"ing
6. got creeped out by the creepy lady at "Space Aliens" who stared directly at our foreheads
7. worried about taking too many fiber pills (bought a box of 220 assorted fruit flavored Fiber Choice pills at Sam's on Tuesday. The grape, green apple, and strawberry are delish. However, should not have eaten all three at one time.)

Alright, I'll let you know if there is any new news on Friday.


Anonymous said...

I'm confused about the ice cream, did Betsy take it out of the box and put it on her butt or did she put the box on her butt? Have a good day. Love you Mom and Dad.....I'm really nervous writing on your blog cause I remember how Tanya always made fun of Dad when he wrote on our blog.

Anonymous said...

what is "t9" ing? And, I have vowed to never go into a Space Aliens. The green alien and lack of windows makes me afraid.
Also, I'm quite impressed that RD and Rose are in on the blogging world!

Hottie McTottie Laqua said...

So honored to have been mentioned with such words of endearment. Long live The Debertin Dirty Dozen! I LOVE YOUR BLOG. Maybe it will be a book someday. You should talk to Deke about that.:)