Monday, February 16, 2009

Sweatpants and finding a parking spot.

Remember those gray sweatpants I told you about? The Joe Boxer sweatpants from K-Mart - they are men's large sweatpants with nice elastic cuffs.

Well, we were driving back home today and this is what happened.



"I'm looking forward to being at home and going back to the office, but here's the problem."

"What's the problem?"

"I don't want to stop wearing these sweatpants."

"Oh, sweetheart, I think it's time to stop wearing the sweatpants."


"Ah, really. Here's a little bit of advice. If we feel like you have been wearing the same pair of sweatpants too many days in a row, you probably are wearing your sweatpants too many days in a row."

It's now been over 48 hours since the embryo transfer and our hope is that both the embryos have found a parking spot in Betsy's oven. On Saturday, as I watched the embryo transfer on the ultrasound screen, Bob (the ultrasound guy) said, "okay, that looks perfect!"

At that point, all I could see is what looked like a miniature white eel swimming to the left. That Bob, he must know what he's doing because I have no idea how he knew when to tell the doctor to squeeze the trigger.

We're now home and looking forward to the next week, or so. We received doctor's orders that Betsy is not to do the laundry, wash dishes, vacuum, cook, or eat bamboo shoots. (That last one seems weird, I know. I don't know what that is all about.)

Sometime tonight I hope to sneak a picture of Betsy and her sweatpants. I'll post it if I can do it secretly.


Anonymous said...

I never thought Betsy would favor any sweat pants over the green Concordia era pair.

Anonymous said...

No...they were pink, I think. And I believe that you may have to steal them in the night and burn them as some sort of post pregnancy ritual. Let me know if I need to do a fashion intervention.